Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Letters to Our Daughters April |Kiara|

Dearest Kiara,
 My little princess.  You are definitely growing up way too fast.  This last month I have seen you grow up so much.  I feel like my little girl has turned into a big girl overnight.  Even you don't seem to know what to do with this newfound big girl-ness.  I have seen more tantrums out of you than you ever had in your twos.  I will be honest and say that I am not sure what to do with you.  I think you are just confused as you take one more step in growing up.

  In fact, I just signed you up for kindergarten today.  That was so hard for me.  I have had the last 5 years with you and it has been quite the ride.  You are not an easy little girl sometimes.  I wouldn't trade all of those "fun" things for anything in the world.  You are my first princess and I will always treasure the first few years I got to enjoy you being in my life full time.


sprinkler fun

pretty girlSand play. Who needs buckets and shovels when you have sticks and water bottles.

This kid and her sense of humor. LOL She is always doing something to make people laugh.

  Oh this girl. Beautiful brown sugar eyes, lip gloss all over, a princess crown and dirt everywhere. I love her. <3

Please check on Maria's post and continue on to the next after that.  We have a lovely circle of ladies and you won't want to miss one.  I promise.  :)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Letters to Our Sons March

I am a little late with this post due to March being a bit crazy.  Better late than never.

  This month has been crazy for all of us.  With baseball and school there hasn't been much time for anything else.  In fact, I don't think I took the big camera out for very many pictures of you.  Thank goodness for the "good" camera on my phone.

So proud of my boy. Super Reader, honor roll, reading ribbon, and attendance awards today. <3
You did so awesome in school this last nine weeks. Super Reader, Honor Roll, Reading Ribbon and an Attendance Award. I am so proud of not only that but your better behaviour. This last month you have really tried hard to be good in school.

#baseballFirst game if the season. #baseballMy boy at bat. They all did so good tonight. So proud.

daddy and his boy



Sometimes you scare me with your bravery.  No fear I tell ya.
Brave boy!   Tree Climbing.
A reminder that you are indeed a boy.  The ripped pants and completely destroyed shoes.

being a

I love when you stop for a minute and sit with me. You are so busy and so loud that this moment doesn't happen very often. I think next month we will aim for more moments together. This was nice. Just to sit and talk.
  Me and the boy. :)

I love you my monkey.


Continue on your journey to LaShawn Wiltz.

CM Blog Circle: Interesting Perspectives

My second post for this wonderful group of CM photographers.  This month we were to photograph interesting perspectives.  Here is my contribution.  :)

First up is a little instagram goodness.

<3Tree Climbing.#whereistand watching my little girl look for bugs, surrounded by chalk.feetbunssweet girlmommy and her loveI love this. Her sweet little baby curls and tiny hand. <3

Now for some big cam stuff.

sprinkler fun

all three

m4h | p52 | wild card



 Thank you for taking the time to look at my photos. Now continue on your journey to the fabulous Haley Hardy -