I am a little late with this post due to March being a bit crazy. Better late than never.
This month has been crazy for all of us. With baseball and school there hasn't been much time for anything else. In fact, I don't think I took the big camera out for very many pictures of you. Thank goodness for the "good" camera on my phone.

You did so awesome in school this last nine weeks. Super Reader, Honor Roll, Reading Ribbon and an Attendance Award. I am so proud of not only that but your better behaviour. This last month you have really tried hard to be good in school.

Sometimes you scare me with your bravery. No fear I tell ya.
A reminder that you are indeed a boy. The ripped pants and completely destroyed shoes.
I love when you stop for a minute and sit with me. You are so busy and so loud that this moment doesn't happen very often. I think next month we will aim for more moments together. This was nice. Just to sit and talk.
I love you my monkey.
Continue on your journey to
LaShawn Wiltz.